
John earns $10.00 an hour, but his boss promised to give him a ______ in a few months. He’ll probably be making $11.50 an hour then.

A. raise
B. train
C. hire


You don’t need experience for that hob. The company will ______ you.

A. wage
B. train
C. fire

He won’t get the job. He doesn’t have the necessary _____________.

A. asset
B. benefits
C. qualifications

The boss is going to ____ John because he is always late.

A. fire
B. hire
C. retire

Discusswithyourclassmateswhetherthereareanyproblemsinthefollowingletterandhowyoucanimproveit,Thencontrastyourimprovedletterwiththeoriginalone.DearMrs.Green:WeregrettoinformyouthattheSilverStreakmountainbicycleaboutwhichyouinquiredisoutofstockuntiltheendofJanuary.ThismeansthatyouwillnotbeabletopurchasethismodelbeforeChristmas.However,youmightbeinterestedinoneofthebicycles intheenclosedbrochurewhichwecandeliverimmediately.Ifso,pleasedfeelfreetocontractus.Sincerely,RedScanlon
