The pilot controls the aircraft so that the indications on the instrument remain centered on the display. This ensures the aircraft is following the ____ centreline.
____ guidance, shown on the instrument by the glideslope indicator, aids the pilot in reaching the runway at the proper touchdown point.
A. horizontal
B. vertical
C. parallel
D. precision
Some aircraft possess the ability to route ____ into the autopilot, allowing the approach to be flown automatically by the autopilot.
A. signals
B. commands
C. requirements
D. power
The localizer provides for ILS facility ____ by periodically transmitting a 1020 Hz morse code identification signal.
A. localization
B. identification
C. correction
D. recognition
The glideslope____no identification signal, so ILS equipment relies on the localizer for identification.
A. transmits
B. transfers
C. modifies
D. receives