
It is called a block because it is usually a solid cast car part, housing the cylinders and their components inside a cooled and lubricated crankcase.

A. 对
B. 错


The core of the engine block is the cylinder, capped by the cylinder head.

A. 对
B. 错

The opening at the bottom of the crankcase will be sealed by an oil pan, or sump, that holds the engine oil.

A. 对
B. 错

One way to increase the power of an engine is to _____ its capacity, that is, the amount of space for fuel and air above the piston. The volume inside the cylinders can be increased by making them wider, in a process known as engine _____.A machine shop will bore the cylinders out to increase the diameter, while ensuring that the cylinder runs exactly _____ to the _____. Once this is done, the engine will need oversized _____ and piston rings to fit the newly sized cylinder.


A. 末级科目录入:光标定位,直接输入末级科目的期初余额
B. 非末级科目录入:不能直接录入,需要先录入其下级科目期初余额,系统会将下级科目余额自动汇总并显示在上级科目栏
C. 数量金额核算科目录入:除了录入末级科目金额外,还需要录入它的期初数量,数量不影响试算平衡,但是会影响单价的计算
D. 辅助核算科目录入:应该进入“期初往来明细”窗口,录入辅助核算的明细期初数据,系统会自动进行汇总显示在期初余额录入主界面
