



Fill in the blanks according to what you hear.The passport is a document that the_____________ government ___________to a citizen of the country. The passport is a document of____________and contains a person's name, date of birth,________, address and place of birth. The purpose of a passport is to identify the__________ of the document. For Indians, the navy blue ordinary passport needs to be________________every 10 years.TYPES OF PASSPORTThe Indian government issues three types of passports to Indian citizens.1. Ordinary passport: An ordinary passport is __________ in colour and is issued for ordinary travel or business trips.2. Diplomatic passport: The cover of a diplomatic passport is____________ in colour. It is issued only to Indian diplomats,______________________ or ___________________ government officials.3. Official passport: Apart from the navy blue and maroon passports, the Indian government also issues a ____________ passport to individuals who are ________________the Indian government on official business.


以下哪一条不是代表分配产权失败的例子( )

A. 撒在公路上的垃圾
B. 公众休息室墙壁上的乱写乱画
C. 残破的公共建筑
D. 维护得很好的私人房屋
