
We find it imperative to look _________ the matteras soon as possible.

A. to
B. into
C. with
D. at


The quality is not in conformity _________ the agreed specifications.

A. to
B. in
C. with
D. on

We regret to have to complain _________ the bad quality of shipment ofsugar by s.s. "Taishan".

A. at
B. about
C. on
D. in

Write a letter according to the following information.You work in Messrs.Carlson & Marwell and write a letter on the basisof the following information.Messrs. Bill Simpson & Co., wrote a letter to you dated March 6, accepting yourproposal for compensation trade arrangement for the supply of your machines andequipment. And they asked you to draft a contract for the trade for theirapproval.

Writea letter according to the following information.日本一家企业来信提议与你公司建立合资企业关系。现在给对方回信,希望了解更多的信息,包括投资比例、红利分配、合资企业管理等其他你公司关系的内容,注意措辞。
