以下合同有什么问题,请指出来,并按规范要求进行修改经济合同立合同人:某化工厂第四车间 (简称甲方) 某第二建筑公司生产科 (简称乙方)法人代表: 张三法人代表: 李四为建筑某化工厂第四车间西厂房,经双方协商,订立本合同,以资共同遵守。一、 甲方委托乙方建造西厂房, 由乙方全面负责建造。二、 全部建筑费 (包括材料、 人工) 12.7 万元。三、 甲方在签订合同后,先交一部分建造费,其余在西厂房建成后抓紧归还所欠部分。四、 工期待乙方筹备就绪后立即开始,力争3月中旬开工,争取11月左右交付使用。五、 建筑材料由乙方全权负责筹备。六、 合同一式两份,双方各执一份。某化工厂第四车间 (公章) 某第二建筑公司生产科 (公章)主任: 赵五 (私章)科长: 钱六 (私章)
Water is life. We depend on it to keep us and the (1) ____healthy. Nonetheless, many people take water as a natural resource for granted. Today, the situation has changed. As the population of the world increases, and with it the demand for water, there is growing concern that our water supplies will not be as (2) ____ as we think. Eighty countries now have water shortages and 2 billion people lack access to clean water. One billion people lack enough water to simply meet their basic needs.While nearly 70 percent of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. This tiny amount of fresh water available on the planet has remained fairly constant over time and is (3) ____unevenly around the world. The growth of the world population, therefore, (4) ____ competition for a clean supply of water every year. Worse still, humans are not efficient users. According to the United Nations, water use has grown at more than twice the (5) ____ of population increase in the last century. The reality is that an increasing number of regions are (6) ____ with water scarcity. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages.An adequate and (7) ____ water supply is essential to the future of every country. To increase and conserve supplies of fresh water, many countries have been working at technological (8) ____, one of which is in the process of desalination. New filtration systems have been developed to (9) ____ traditional heating methods. Thus the expected (10) ____ can be achieved: lower costs.A. abundant B. complicatedC. conflictD. confrontedE. distributeF. environment G. highlightH. innovationsI. intensifiedJ. outcome K. rateL. reliableM. replaceN. sourcesO. Subsequent
A factory consists of two production cost centres (G and H) and two service cost centres (J and K).The total overheads allocated and apportioned to each centre are as follows:GHJK$40,000 $50,000 $30,000 $18,000The work done by the service cost centres can be represented as follows:GHJKPercentage of service cost centre J to 30%70%--Percentage of service cost centre K to 50% 40% 10% -The company apportions service cost centre costs to production cost centres using a method that fully recognizes any work done by one service cost centre for another.What are the total overheads for production cost centre G after the reapportionment of all service cost centre costs?
A. $58,000
B. $58,540
C. $59,000
D. $59,540