
云锦是一种豪华贵重的丝帛至今已近有1600年的历史.它的图案绚丽多姿美如天上彩云般的瑰丽因而得名Brocade is a kind of ____ silk created over 1,600 years ago. The _____ are as beautiful as the colorful clouds in the sky


从元代开始云锦一直就是皇家服饰的专用品更是龙袍的主要用料.云锦的大小图案代表了官阶的高低Since the Yuan ____, yunjin has been used for the ____, clothes, especially the emperor. Different sizes and ___ different official ____.

它用各种名贵的丝线鸟兽羽毛织造而成. 传统的云锦是用老式的提花木机纯手工织成由两个人配合每天也只能生产5-6厘米It is woven with ____ silk yarn and feathers. Traditional yunjin is ____ on the Jacquard weaving machines. At most, five tosix centimetres of yunjin could be produced in one day even with the ____ of two workers

如今云锦被用在很多现代服装中使得这千古绝技得到新的发展Now this traditional skill has been modernized and ____ new fashions

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