
以下程序实现:输入三个整数,按从大到小的顺序进行输出。请填空。#includeint main(){ int x,y,z,c;scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z);If( ){c=y;y=z;z=c;}If( ){c=x;x=z;z=c;}If( ){c=x;x=y;y=c;}printf("%d,%d,%d",x,y,z);}



编写程序求axx+bx+c=0的根 当bb-4ac>=0时输出两个实数根,当bb-4a*c<0时输出 此方程无解。

The cooking, the cleaning and the childcare were all amazing bonuses that I don’t dare complain about...

A. The cooking, the cleaning and the childcare were done amazingly so l had no reason to complainabout my husband...
B. The cooking, the cleaning and the childcare were an unexpected huge help that I cannot think ofcomplaining about...

At times, this level of generosity made me look over my shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop.

At times I was so impressed by this level of generosity that l wondered if anyone could ever do better than she.
B. At times this level of generosity made me very uneasy and i was very anxious about what wasgoing to happen next.
