Which of the following sentences is fight according to the passage?
A. 75 percent of people in the online poll had no objections to anyone using laptops, net books and cell phones in the bathroom.
B. Nearly all of Americans think cell phone use is impolite during religious activities.
C. 90 percent of people in the online poll admitted they would be unhappy if they were given an online gift wish.
D. 30 percent of people in the online poll believe that people should get in touch with each other frequently because of the demand of business.
A. 竣工后
B. 投产后
C. 试生产期间
D. 正式生产后
A. 试运行前
B. 试运行后
C. 运行前
D. 运行后
A. 卷烟的批发环节
B. 金银首饰的生产和零售环节
C. 化妆品的生产和零售环节
D. 某商场销售粮食白酒
A. 段玉裁
B. 王念孙
C. 王引之
D. 钱大听