A. 《沁园春.雪》是一首古典词。词是中国诗歌的一种,又别称长短句、诗余、琴趣等。它实际上是一种句子长短不齐的格律诗。词有小令、中调、长调之分。毛泽东的《沁园春.雪》被公认为我国文学史上成就最高的词作品之一。
B. 本词作于1936年2月,即红军摆脱几十万国民党军队的围追堵截长征到达陕北后不久,初发表于1945年国共重庆谈判期间《新民报晚刊》和《大公报》上。词发表以后,即获好评如潮,重庆上下轰动不已,大江南北争相传诵,一时间,竟造就洛阳纸贵的局面。
C. 词中提到的“秦皇”、“宋祖”、“成吉思汗”分别是我国历史上秦朝、宋朝、元朝的开国帝王。
D. 词中提到的杰出帝王中,只有汉武帝是通过和平与合法手段获得帝王位的。
A. in the way
B. under way
C. put of the way
D. all the way
The cause of the urge to make enormous sums of money varies with the individual, but often money is a substitute for something a person's life lacks. To some, money means security. To some, it means power. To others, it means the possibility of love, and to a fourth group, it means competition and winning the game.
A tremendous need for power is invariably the bottom line for those driven to make a lot of money. The bigger the pile, the more powerful they think they will feel. Parents and family background also influence a person's pursuit of money. Many people who grew up poor and then made a fortune live in fear that they will lose it. Others strive for money to compete with their wealthy, successful parents.
Making money for its own sake can be addicting like high-stakes gambling. The more they earned, the bigger their appetite was. They paid great price for their insatiability for money in terms of their living quality. For example, their obsession with money-making renders them unable to enjoy what they have earned. Instead, they just work at such an intense pace and under such strenuous pressure that they totally neglected themselves. Hence the emergence of various kinds of psychological and physical problems, like impotence, insomnia, heart attacks and problems with a spouse or children.
The cause of the compulsion to make enormous sums of money ______.
A. is rooted in people's minds
B. is pushed in America
C. is considered unsocial
D. varies with the individuals