
听力原文:On September 13,1956, IBM shipped the first unit of the RAMAC, in other words, Random Access Method of Accounting and Control. The RAMAC, designed in Big Blue's San Jose, Calif., research center would have made a lousy music player. The drive weighed a full ton, and to lease it you'd pay about $250,000 a year in today's dollars. Since it required a separate air compressor to protect the two moving "heads" that read and wrote information, it was noisy. The total amount of information stored in its 50 spinning iron-oxide-coated disks-- each of them a pizza-size 24 inches -- was 5 megabytes.
Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The drive weighed a full ton.
B. The IBM research center planned to make a music player.
C. Its 24 spinning disks could store only S megabytes of information.
D. The price for renting the RAMAC was $260,000 a year.


听力原文:Picture this: A foraging squirrel comes into range of a hungry, coiled rattlesnake. The squirrel realizes the danger too late -- the rattlesnake strikes out and bites, fangs pumping venom deep into the squirrel's small body. The poison doesn't kill immediately, but the squirrel's death war- rant is signed all the same. Even as he squirms away from the snake and bounds to his hiding place in the underbrush, the venom works its way through his system, dissolving his tissues and eventually killing him. Meanwhile the snake slithers after the departed squirrel, taking his time. Uncannily, he homes right in on the squirrel's hiding place. How did the snake know where his prey was hiding? Do snakes have some kind of magical sixth sense? Actually, snakes DO have a kind sixth sense, but it has nothing to do with magic.
Although snakes often have very sharp vision, a sense of smell, and a sensitivity to heat and vibrations, their most important sensory system is one that we humans don't share with them at all. This sixth sense is called the "vomeronasal system", and the sense organs for this are two tiny, bulb-shaped structures located on the roof of the snake's mouth. This sensory system is somewhat similar to smell -- in that it senses the presence of chemicals in the snake's environment. Snakes can use this extra sense to detect the faint chemical traces left by departing prey, or they can use it to track down a mate. On our next program we'll learn how snakes use their flicking, forked tongue to aid this sixth sense in the quest for prey.
What is this passage about?

A. The sharp vision of a snake.
B. The sharp sense of smell of a snake.
C. The unique poision of a snake.
D. The "six sense" of a snake to locate preys.

听力原文:To welcome the new UN Secretary General Ban Kin-Moon, renowned Italian composer Alio Maricoli held his first American concert at the United Nations. In this report by Besera Kostava, the master of ceremonies, UN media chief Ahmad Southi, takes us through the highlights of this historical event.
Besera Kostava is the master of ceremonies for the concert.

A. 正确
B. 错误

Where is the sense organs for vemeronasal system in snakes?

At the bottom of the snakes' mouth.
B. On the roof of the snakes' mouth.
C. On the left side of the snakes' mouth.
D. On the right side of the snakes' mouth.

听力原文:The acids in acid rain are corrosive chemicals that leach nutrients from the soils, slow the growth of trees, poison lakes and combine with other chemicals to form. urban smog. The simplest way to curtail acid rain is to use less energy from fossil fuels.
The acids in acid rain are the only reason that forms urban smog alone.

A. 正确
B. 错误
