A. 肝脾均增大,肝质硬
B. 杵状指
C. 腹部移动性浊音阳性
D. 肝区血管杂音
E. 上腹有振水声
Company.com has a cluster with nodes that support "hot swap" adapters. During an upgrade of The network infrastructure,an additional network adapter has been added to the nodes and configured in AIX. What is the next step required to add this adapter to HACMP?()
A. Stop the node.
B. Stop the cluster.
C. Run autodiscovery.
D. Configure the IP adapter.
A. 有用信息码率
B. 总信息码率
C. 校验信息码率
D. 以上都不对
A. cel
B. run
C. idx
D. sut