A. 额度借款
B. 临时借款
C. 一般贷款
改正下列句子中使用不正确的词语。 ①训练是不是刻苦,与比赛成绩休戚相关。 ②好久没有看见你令尊了,他老人家身体还好吧? ③我提的这些意见,只是个人看法,供你们决策时借鉴吧。 ④学校的这个决定,遭到了全体教职工的支持。 ⑤午夜时分,大街上已是万人空巷,十分冷清。
You executed the following command in the Recovery Manager (RMAN): RMAN> REPORT NEED BACKUP days 3; What is the output of this command?()
A list of files that require a backup within 3 days
B. A list of files requiring more than 3 days of archivelogs to apply
C. A list of files that RMAN recommends be backed up only once in every three days, based on low volatility
D. A list of files for which a backup as already been performed in the last three days and which is required to be backed up again based on the high number of transactions performed on them
A. 记过
B. 记大过
C. 撤职
D. 开除