病例摘要: 常某,女,50岁,公司职员。2012年11月就诊。 患者近2年来工作劳累,精神紧张,饮食不规律。近1年来经常胃脘部疼痛,饥饿时明显,刺痛为主,疼痛部位固定,偶有夜间疼醒,进食后能够缓解。近1周疼痛每天发作,大便黑色。 查体:T36.2℃,P84次/分,R20次/分,BP120/80mmHg。双肺呼吸音清,心率84次/分,律齐,上腹部压痛明显,无反跳痛、肌紧张。肝脾未及,双下肢无浮肿。舌质紫暗,有瘀斑瘀点,舌底脉络迂曲怒张,脉涩。 辅助检查:胃镜见十二指肠球部,有约1cm×1cm溃疡,表面苔厚而污秽,周围黏膜肿胀,无黏膜皱襞集中。 答题要求:1.根据上述病例摘要,在答题卡上完成书面辨证论治。 2.鉴别诊断:请与慢性胆囊炎相鉴别。
You work as a network Exchange administrator at Company.com.The Company.com network currently consists of a single Active Directory forest containing a single domain named Company.com.The Company.com organization makes use of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 as their messaging solution.you are responsible for managing a mailbox server named -ex01 that contains one mailbox database.A Company.com user named kara lang informs you that her mailbox contains a number of corrupted e-mail messages.you are in the process of recovering the e-mail messages of kara lang; however, other e-mail messages in the mailbox database should not be deleted.What should you do?()
A. You should consider creating a database availability group (DAG). Then a backup of the mailbox database file should be restored. Thereafter the Export-Mailbox cmdlet should be run.
B. You should consider creating a new Mailbox Recovery Database. Then a backup of the database file should be restored. Thereafter the Export-Mailbox cmdlet should be run.
C. You should consider creating a new Mailbox Recovery Database. Then a backup of the database file should be restored. Thereafter the Restore-Mailbox cmdlet should be run.
D. You should consider creating a database availability group (DAG). Then a backup of the mailbox database file should be restored. Thereafter the Restore-Mailbox cmdlet should be run.
某企业为增值税一般纳税人,适用的增值税税率为17%。2012年8月月初结存甲材料150公斤,价款为300万元。采用先进先出法核算发出材料的成本,8月发生下列经济业务: (1)8月2日购入甲材料200公斤,价款为360万元,增值税税额为61.2万元;发生的保险费20万元,采购人员的差旅费5万元;验收入库时发现数量短缺了5%,经查属于运输途中的合理损耗。 (2)8月10日购入甲材料400公斤,价款为880万元,增值税税额为149.6万元。 (3)8月15日,发出甲材料500公斤,委托丙公司加工产成品。该企业委托加工的产成品收回后直接用于出售。丙公司为增值税一般纳税人,该企业根据丙公司开具的增值税专用发票向其支付加工费10万元和增值税税额1.7万元。 要求:
A. 要求: