
In blind test, how did the consumers like the new Coke in comparison with the old Coke and Pepsi?In the blind tests, 60 percent of consumers ___________________ the old, and 52 percent chose it over Pepsi.


What was the problem in Coke's marketing research?The problem was that the research did not explore how consumers felt about dropping the old Coke and replacing it with the new Coke. Furthermore, the research did not look at the total product: __________________________.

Why did the observers still think that Coke's managers had made a smart decision?The observers thought that it was a smart move because by first taking away its original Coke and then bringing it back again, the Coca-Cola company got two brands on the shelf, really ___________ in the struggle for shelf space.

下列哪项不属于标本采集原则( )

A. 遵照医嘱
B. 充分准备
C. 严格查对
D. 定时送检
E. 正确采集

采集血清标本的方法,错误的是( )

A. 选用干燥试管
B. 采血后去针头顺管壁将血浆和泡沫注入试管
C. 避免过度震荡
D. 取下针头
E. 立即送验
