
人体血液的pH值总是维持在7.35〜7.45这一狭小的范围内。其中主要原因是由于( )

A. 血液中的HCO3-和H2CO3只允许维持在一定的比率范围内
B. 人体内有大量的水分(约占体重的70%)
C. 排出的CO2气体一部分溶在血液中
D. 排出的酸性物质和碱性物质溶在血液中


某缓冲溶液的共轭碱的Kb=1.0×10-6,从理论上推算该缓冲溶液的缓冲范围是( )

A. 6~8
B. 7~9
C. 5~7
D. 5~6

Task 4Rewrite the following sentences after the models.Model 1:You are not concentrating on which fork you shoulduse.You are not concentrating on which forkto use.1. He did not know where he should go.2. We have not decided whether we should go there or not.3. I can tell you how you can get to the cinema.

Model 2:Business meals are multi-tasking jobs. Multi-tasking jobs can often turn out to be nightmares.Business meals are multi-tasking jobs which can often turn out to be nightmares.1. Where is the book? I bought the book this morning.2. The teacher will come tomorrow. The teacher teaches you Spanish.3. The woman is our manager. The woman is speaking at the meeting.


A. 修昔底德
B. 希罗多德
C. 色诺芬
D. 斯波特拉
