

A. 头痛、头晕
B. 咽部充血,体温38.1℃
C. 咽部干燥,流涕
D. 脸色潮红、气喘
E. 呼吸24次/分,发冷



A. 水肿、体重78kg
B. 入睡困难、二尖瓣杂音
C. 头晕、乏力
D. 肝脾大,剧烈疼痛
E. 脉搏细速、体温38.1℃


A. 收集资料后应及时记录
B. 描述资料的词语应确切
C. 内容要正确反映患者的问题
D. 客观资料应尽量用患者的语言表达
E. 避免护士的主观判断和结论

Which of the following is a characteristic of Type A management?

A. lifetime employment
B. slow evaluation and promotion
C. nonspecialized career path
D. individual decision making

Reflecting upon the differences in Type J and Type A work environments, which of the following statements is fundamental to Type J?

A. Type J environments fiercely protect the individual rights of workers.
B. Type J environments are only concerned about the employee functions at work.
C. Type J, unlike Type A, environments believe in more prompt and expeditious promotion for employees.
D. Type J, unlike Type A, environments embrace consensual decision making and have a concern for the employee's life at work and outside of work.
