True or false? ___ As a result of her experience, Glanz now accepts more of her students' excuses.
The author implies that
A. few students cheat on tests.
B. most students enjoy schoolwork.
Classroom teaching methods should be changed.
D. Glanz had a lazy math teacher.
The author implies that
A. Glanz should not have become a student again.
B. Glanz is a better teacher than she was before.
C. Glanz later told her math teacher that she lied.
D. social study is an unimportant subject.
The author implies that
A. most students who cheat on tests are caught by their teachers.
B. most teachers demand too little of their students.
C. students who get good grades in high school also do so in college.
D. students never question waht teachers say.
A. 粗肌丝长度缩短
B. 细肌丝长度缩短
C. 暗带长度缩短
D. 明带长度不变
E. 肌节变短