

A. 对
B. 错


Unit 10Sustainable Tourism1 Sustainable tourism, also known as ecotourism, is defined as leisure travel that provides touristswith an educational and adventurous experience visiting complex and fascinating ecosystemsand their associatedcultures and traditions.The concept of ecotourismbegan in the late 190s and increased in popularity in 2002 during the UnitedNations“International Year of Ecotourism.”According to environmental andother organizations, ecotourism should have a minimal impact on both theenvironment and the culture. Ecotourism should inform tourists about what isneeded to sustain the environment they are visiting,and should also help localpopulations understand the importance and value of their home.Ecotourism canalso help foster a sense of environmental stewardship by encouraging travelersto be mindful of wasting resources and polluting the environment. Ecotourismcan also help local economies by generating revenue and jobs, which furtherencourages the local population to preserve its environment.2 A good ecotourism operation will strive to support the community and encourage travelers tobe culturally sensitive by training and employing local people and by purchasing local supplies andservices to further stimulate the economy. Increasingly, national governments such as Costa Rica andAustralia are supporting the ecotourism trade for its benefit to both their country and their visitors.Tourist regions in many countries now rely on ecotourism as the primary source of revenue.3 The education and good practices taught by ecotourism may also help foster sustainabledevelopment in a world increasingly faced by destructive practices such as clear-cutting forests andpoor land-use policies that destroy habitats.Good ecotourism should ideally support criteria such as:lConservation of biological and cultural diversitylSustainable use of ecological resourceslSupport for local economies through increased local revenue, jobs for local populations, and useof local supplies and serviceslCommunity empowerment by sharing participation in management of local ecotourism activities.lIncreased environmental and cultural awarenesslMinimal environmental tourist industry impact on local resources4 Although the overall concept and intent of sustainable tourism is positive,the industry is notwithout its critics largely due to companies who abuse the concept of ecotourism to take advantage ofthe wealth generated by the interest in ecotourism. Some ecotourism operators have been accused ofmasking their environmentally destructive practices by marketing their businesses as ecotourism.5 With time, the standards for good ecotourism will be established and both travelers and theindustry will be aware of what constitutes an ecologically and culturally sensitive operation.(407 words)1. Which of the followingstatement is NOT true about sustainable tourism?A. It has been advocated by the United Nations.B. It attracted more attention at the beginning of the 21st century.C. It has the least impact on the ecosystems and their cultures.D. It has instructive meanings to tourists.2. Which of the following is NOT one of the purposes of sustainable tourism?A. It offers the opportunity of experiencing the ecosystems.B. It teaches tourists about what is needed to preserve the environment.C. It promotes the visitors'environmental protection awareness.D. It creates more profit for the travel agencies in tourist regions.3. How can sustainable tourism help the local people in tourist regions?A. By stimulating the local economy.B. By encouraging travelers to be culturally sensitive.C. By reducing deforestation and land-abuse.D. By preserving natural habitats for the wildlife.4.The sustainable tourism trade will benefit ___.A. the national governmentB. the tourist regionsc. the touristsD. all the above5. What is the criticism towards the sustainable tourism industry?A. The sustainable tourism industry is fully aware of the intent of sustainable tourism.B. Some companies disguise their actions that bring destruction to the environment.C. The sustainable tourism industry makes too much money by taking advantage of people.D. The sustainable tourism industry advertises their tours as eco-tours.

预应力混凝土按施工方法的不同可分为( )。

A. 预制预应力混凝土
B. 现浇预应力混凝土
C. 全预应力混凝土
D. 叠合预应力混凝土
E. 部分预应力混凝土

预应力混凝土按施加预应力的大小可分为( )。

A. 预制预应力混凝土
B. 全预应力混凝土
C. 现浇预应力混凝土
D. 部分预应力混凝土
E. 有黏结预应力混凝土

下列属于张拉夹具的是( )。

A. 钳式夹具
B. 夹片式夹具
C. 楔形夹具
D. 偏心式夹具
E. 镦头夹具
