
Which of the following is not true of U.S. agriculture?

A. It is the most efficient in the world.
B. About a third of the world's food exports come from U.farms.
C. The use of modern farm machinery and agricultural methods has helpedmake U.farms the most efficient in the world.
D. The number of farms in the United States has increased since 1925.


The chief mineral products of the United States are in order of value,_____ .

A. petroleum, natural gas, and coal
B. natural gas, petroleum, and coal
C. coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
D. coal, natural gas, and petroleum

Which state ranks first among the states in the value of its manufacturedgoods.

A. New York.
B. Ohio.
C. Texas.
D. California.

Which of following is not true of U.S. manufacturing?

A. The value of American manufactured goods is greater than that of anyother country.
B. Manufacturing accounts for 18% of the U.gross domestic product.
C. Since the mid-1900's, the country's fastest-growing manufacturingareas have been in the Midwest and Northeast.
D. Since the Mid-1900's, U.industries have turned increasingly toautomation.

What are the leading U.S. exports?

A. Mineral fuels.
B. Iron and steel.
C. Paper and newsprint.
D. Machinery and transportation equipment.
