
Without water no living thing can survive, and one feature of the true desert landscape is the absence of vegetation. With little rain and hardly any vegetation the land suffers under the sun. There are virtually no clouds or trees to protect the earth's surface and it can be burning hot. Under the sun, soils break up and crack. Wind and torrential rain sweep away and erode the surface further. Eight million square kilometers of the world's land surface is desert. Throughout history deserts have been expanding and retreating again. Cave paintings show that parts of the Sahara Desert were green and fertile about 10,000 years ago, and even animals like elephants and giraffes roamed the land. Fossil and dunes found in fertile and damp parts of the world show that these areas were once deserts. But now the creation of new desert areas is happening on a colossal scale. Twenty million square kilometers, an area twice the size of Canada, is at a high to very high risk of becoming desert. With a further 1.25 million square kilometers under moderate risk, an area covering 30% of the earth's land surface is desert, becoming desert, or in danger of becoming desert. The rate of growth of deserts is alarming. The world's drylands which are under threat include some of the most important stock-rearing and wheat-growing areas and are the homes of 600--700 million people. These regions are becoming deserts at the rate of more than 58, 000 square kilometers a year or 44 hectares a minute. In North Africa at least 100,000 hectares of cropland am lost each year. At this rate there is a high risk that we will be confined to living on only 50% of this planet's land surface within one more century unless we am able to do something about it.
What does the passage tell us about rainfall in the desert?

A. It never rains.
B. It rains so little that nothing can live.
C. It rains unexpectedly.
D. It rains very infrequently.


There is no question that the old style. of air pollution could kill people. In one week following the infamous "peasouper" fog in December 1952, 4,700 people died in London. Most of these people were elderly and already had heart or lung diseases. A series of these killer fogs eventually led to the British Passing the Clean Air Act which restricted the burning of coal.
Fortunately the effect of smog on the lungs is not so dramatic. Scientists have now conducted a number of laboratory experiments in which volunteers are exposed to ozone inside a steel chamber for a few hours. Even at quite low concentrations there is a reversible fall in lung function, an increase in the irritability of the lungs and evidence of airway inflammation (发炎) . Although irritable and inflamed lungs are particularly seen in people with asthma (哮喘) and other lung diseases, these effects of ozone also occur in healthy subjects. Similar changes are also seen after exposure to nitrogen dioxide, although there is some disagreement about the concentration at which they occur.
Other studies have found that people living in areas with high levels of pollution have more symptoms and worse lung function than those living in areas with clean air. Groups of children attending school camps show falls in lung function even at quite low concentrations of ozone. There is also a relationship between ozone levels and hospital admissions for asthma, both in North America and Australia. It is suspected that long-term exposure to smog may result in chronic bronchitis (支气管炎) and emphysema (肺气肿), but this has yet to be proven.
Recently an association has been found between the levels of particles in the air and death rates in North American cities. The reason for this association is not understood and as vet there is no evidence this occurs in Australia. However, we do know that hazy days are associated with more asthma attacks in children.
Which of the following is NOT the result of laboratory experiments?

A. Low concentrations
B. Fall in lung function
C. Irritability of the lungs
D. Air way inflammation


A. 穿凿附会
B. 断章取义
C. 东拼西凑
D. 支离破碎


A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8


A. 类推
B. 类比
C. 分解
D. 综合
