What can you call them while doing business with American?
A. In most situations, first names.
B. In formal circumstances, titles and surnames.
C. In most situations and formal circumstances, first names.
D. In most situations and formal circumstances, titles and surnames.
Dealing with American visitors while doing business:
A. firm and brief handshake
B. eye during the greeting
C. exchanged business cards without formal ritual
D. introducing your foreign visitors to your top ranking executives
Choosethe appropriate filial behaviors from the following options.
A. supporting parents
B. taking care of sick parents
C. often talking to parents
D. obeying parents
E. respecting elders
Kindnessmeans the quality ofbeing友善意味着具备以下哪些品质:
A. warm-hearted
B. considerate
C. humane
D. sympathetic
What should a lady wear while doing business with American?
A. business suits
B. dresses
C. pantsuits
D. skirts