1916年,向警予创办男女合校的( ),开创了中国男女合校的先河。
A. 溆浦小学堂
B. 溆浦中学
C. 溆浦高中
D. 溆浦夜校
1920年在( )向警予和蔡和森共同构造"中国共产党"这一名称与计划,成为党的唯一的女创始人。
A. 日本
B. 法国
C. 德国
D. 美国
Positive ______________ carries a strong message for children, as those who receive praise for good acts try harder to behave.
A. reinforcement
B. reinforcer
C. baggage
D. discord
An excellent character is one of the key factors in studying a complex subject: Being insistent, confident and ___________ are all important.
A. underlying
B. comforting
C. circuitous
D. decisive