突破了学科界限,体现某类知识体系之间内在联系的课程是( )(5.0)
A. 综合课程
B. 选修课程
C. 活动课程
D. 学科课程
教材编写、教学评估和考试命题的依据是( )(5.0)
A. 课程计划
B. 课程标准
C. 教科书
D. 考试大纲
Please judge and choose the writing logic of the following paragraph:Millions have lost their lives to influenza in pandemics, and epidemics of varying severity occur worldwide each year. Strategies to prevent and control the often explosive outbreaks are limited to vaccination and treatment, if available, or to isolation and barrier precautions. Vaccination is considered the most important preventive measure, but there is a recognized need for additional control measures.
A. General to Specific
B. Problem to Solution
C. Process
D. Old to New
Please judge and choose the writing logic of the following paragraph:With the threat of pandemic influenza and uncertainty regarding efficacy of barrier precautions, the CDC’s National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and the Institute of Medicine have given priority to the development of methods to determine human influenza virus transmission routes [2, 4]. This study examines the spatial distribution of influenza virus aerosols generated by symptomatic patients in a healthcare setting and identifies clinical features associated with high levels of influenza virus release.
A. General to Specific
B. Problem to Solution
C. Process
D. Old to New
Please judge and choose the writing logic of the following paragraph:Primer sequences for the influenza virus M gene amplification target were used. Synthesized DNA vectors containing target influenza A and B virus M gene regions encoded in plasmid vector were used to create standard curves to quantify viral RNA in patient samples. All rRT-PCR reactions were setup and run using a 96-well format and an Eppendorf epMotion 5070 robot with MasterCycler ep Realplex 2 instrument. PCR product was detected using the SYBR Green kit. The average number of influenza virus RNA copies per rRT-PCR assay of nasopharyngeal swab and AS specimens was calculated.
A. General to Specific
B. Problem to Solution
C. Process
D. Old to New