1. 从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达
A. Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowed his field, turned the soil, and tended to his pistachio (开心果) trees.
B. Every day, he plowed his field and turned the soil, tending to his pistachio trees and laboring from dawn to sundown.
C. Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, turning the soil and tending to his pistachio trees.
D. Every day, laboring from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, and turning the soil, he tended to his pistachio trees.
2. 从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达
A. Each person has a unique way to say, to hear, to touch, as well as tasting and thinking.
B. Each person has a unique way of saying, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking.
C. Each person has a unique way to say and hear, touching, tasting, and thinking.
D. Each person has a unique way: saying, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking.
3. 从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达
A. In science fiction stories, robots are generally depicted as working in the service of humanity, often escaping the control of their human masters and doing them harm.
B. In science fiction stories, robots are generally depicted as working in the service of humanity, often escaping being controlled by their human masters, which does them harm.
C. In science fiction stories, robots are generally depicted as working in the service of humanity, but they often escape the control of their human masters and do them harm.
D. In science fiction stories, robots are generally depicted as working in the service of humanity who often escape the control of their human masters, doing them harm.