
Fillin the blanks with the words from the boxes.careertourism grade motivated freshmanstressed assignment schedulesemester courses1.I want to keep going with free time activitiesthis___________.2.She got a _________ of 100in the test.3.I'm really____________out about work at the moment.4.There are still some vacancies for students in science andengineering___________.5.Chinese will be on the school ____________from next year..6.Our staff members are hard-working and highly____________.7.He has been concentrating on his teaching _____________.8.The___________for the course involves writtenworkand practical tests.9.____________ is the majorsourceofincomefor thearea.10. Johnisa_____________ from New York State


信源编码的主要功能之一是对数字信号进行( )

A. 模数(A/D)转换
B. 数模(D/A)转换
C. 码型转换
D. 线性与非线性转换

二进制振幅键控信号的非相干接收系统方框图中各部分按顺序排列为( )。

A. 低通滤波器、包络提取、带通滤波器、抽样判决器
B. 带通滤波器、包络提取、低通滤波器、抽样判决器
C. 带通滤波器、低通滤波器、包络提取、抽样判决器
D. 包络提取、带通滤波器、低通滤波器、抽样判决器

使用载波的两种不同幅度来表示二进制值的两种状态的调制方法称为( )。

A. 幅移键控法
B. 相位幅度调制法
C. 频移键控法
D. 相移键控法


A. 对
B. 错
