A. 平衡水分
B. 自由水分
C. 非结合水分
D. 结合水分
A. 机械去湿
B. 吸附去湿
C. 供热干燥
D. 无法确定
A. 提高空气露点
B. 降低空气的湿度
C. 降低空气的相对湿度
D. 增大空气的比热容
[音频]Intimacy is the feeling of closeness, of (1)___________ with someone, of bonding. Operationally, you could think of intimacy as you share secrets, you share information with this person that you don't share with anybody else. Okay. That's really what intimacy is, the bond that comes from sharing information that isn't shared with other people. The second (2)___________ is passion. Passion is the drive that leads to (3)___________. You can think of it as physical (4)___________. And Sternberg argues that this is a required component of a love relationship. The third element of love in Sternberg's theory is what he calls decision commitment, the decision that one is in a love relationship, the (5)___________ to label it as such, and a (6)___________ to maintain that relationship at least for some period of time. Sternberg would argue it's not love if you don't call it love and if you don't have some (7)___________ to (8)___________ the relationship. So if you have all three of these, intimacy, passion and commitment, in Sternberg's theory you have love. Now what's interesting about the theory is what do you have if you only have one out of three or two out of three? What do you have and how is it different if you have a different two out of three? What's interesting about this kind of theorizing is it gives rise to many different (9)___________ that can be quite interesting when you break them down and start to look at them carefully. So what I've done is I've taken Sternberg's three elements of love, intimacy, passion and commitment, and I've listed out the different kinds of relationships you would have if you had (10)___________, one, two or three out of the three elements.
计算机操作系统的主要功能是( )。(1.0)
A. 对计算机的所有资源进行控制和管理,为用户使用计算机提供方便
B. 对源程序进行翻译
C. 对用户数据文件进行管理
D. 对汇编语言程序进行翻译