A _________ is a computer hacker who is hired by an organization to undertake nonmalicious hacking work in order to discover computer-security flaws
A___________ is a computer hacker who carries out illegal malicious hacking work.
__________ are instructions that are hidden within a computer program and are designed to cause faults or destroy data.
A __________is a piece of computer software which enables a website you have visited to recognize you if you visit it again.
A. 通过变压器空载试验可以求出变比
B. 通过变压器空载试验可以求出励磁阻抗
C. 空载试验时,铁心中的涡流和磁滞损耗都是正常运行时的大小
D. 空载试验时,有功功率损耗主要是一次绕组的铜耗