【单选题】 If the memory has 2的32次幂 words, the address bus needs to have ( )wires.
【单选题】 A control bus with eight wires can define( ) operations.
A. 8
B. 16
C. 256
D. 512
【单选题】 The three steps in the running of a program on a computer are performed( ) in this specific order.
A. fetch, execute, and decode
B. decode, execute, and fetch
C. fetch, decode, and execute
D. decode, fetch, and execute
【单选题】 In the ( ) method to synchronize the operation of the CPU with the I/O device, the I/O device informs the CPU when it is ready for data transfer.
A. programmed I/O
B. interrupt-driven I/O
D. isolated I/O
【单选题】 In the ( ) method to synchronize the operation of the CPU with the I/O device, the CPU is idle until the I/O operation is finished.
A. programmed I/O
B. interrupt-driven I/O
D. isolated I/O