
People aged 15 to 19 read for an average of only 5 minutes per weekend day, but they spend one hour playing video games or using a computer for leisure.

A. 15—19岁年龄段的人周末每天阅读时间平均仅为5分钟,但其玩视频游戏或电脑娱乐的时间则为1个小时。
B. 人们15到19岁的读书周末每天阅读5分钟,但是他们玩一个小时视频游戏或者使用电脑来休闲。


Just a few years ago, playing computer games and visiting social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace was something almost only young people did. Now, more and more older people are doing it. They find that it can be a wonderful way of relaxing after a hard day’s work.

A. 就在几年前,玩电脑游戏和上社交网站(例如“脸谱”或者“我的空间”)还只是年轻人做的事。如今,越来越多的成年人也在这么做,因为他们发现辛苦工作一天之后,玩电脑游戏其实是一种不错的放松方式。
B. 几年前,玩电脑游戏和参观社交网站比如说脸谱或者我的空间还是年轻人做的。如今,越来越多的成年人也在这么做,因为他们发现辛苦工作一天之后,玩电脑游戏其实是一种不错的放松方式。

The difference between " ‘’ and "hobbies" is that you get , but you do a .

The most popular form of home entertainment in the USA is .

At nearly 45 minutes a day, visting friends oris the next most common after watching TV
