
Work in pairs and complete the following conversation. You may use the expressions in the skill box or you may come up with your own ones. After you complete the conversation, act it out.A: 1) I smoke in this room?B: 2). Smoking is not allowed here.A: I see. 3) have a few moreminutes to wait here? I’m waiting for my parents. Theirflight is delayed.B: 4) stay here.A: Thank you very much.B: You’re welcome.


交际用语填空A: Terribly sorry. I am so late to work.B: 1) ____________________________?A: 2)___________________my alarm didn’t ring.B: These things happen. Make sure it won’t happen again.A: It won’t. I promise.B: All right. Make 20 copies of this document.A: No problem.

分型面特征在( )级中创建,该特征的创建是模具设计的关键。

A. 组件
B. 部件
C. 零件
D. 元件

创建简易分型面有( )种方法。

A. 一
B. 二
C. 三
D. 四

选择“模具”命令选项卡( )区域中 命令可以生成浇注件。

A. 元件
B. 可见性
C. 分析
D. 分型面和模具体积块
