
以下程序输入1└┘2└┘3后的执行结果是 。(注:└┘代表空格)#includeint main(){int i,j;char k;scanf("%d%c%d",&i,&k,&j);printf("i=%d,k=%c,j=%d\n",i,k,j);return 0;}



有如下程序段,输入数据12345ffl678后,u的值是 ,v的值是 。int u;float v;scanf("%3d%f",&u,&v);

[音频]C=ClaraM= MichaelC: Hi, Michael. You seem to have a good relationship with your roommates.M: Certainly! We are best friends!C: Well, it’s not easy for roommates to end up as best friends. Can you give me some tips on howto get along with roommates ?M: Sure. I think one important quality in maintaining a good relationship with your roommate isbeing ________________and tolerant, always treat your roommates with the consideration that you want to be treated with.C: Yeah. I quite agree with you.M: And when your roommates do something that you don’t like, or make mistakes, try to be tolerant and______________________.C: That is really important.M: Besides, communication is vital. When problems occur, talk to your roommates _____________so that you can figure out the best way to resolve them.C: Wow, you are very experienced in _________________ good interpersonal

声光双控楼道照明灯控制电路是指利用声光感应器件控制照明灯的电路。白天光照较强,即使有声音,照明灯也不亮;夜晚降临或光照较弱 时,可以通过声音控制照明灯点亮,并可以实现延时一段时间后自动熄灭 的功能。

A. 声光感应
B. 电磁
C. 电容
D. 电阻
