
民族精神的内涵包括( )。

A. 伟大创造精神
B. 伟大团结精神
C. 伟大梦想精神
D. 伟大奋斗精神


Chinese calligraphyis a form of aesthetically pleasing writing and the artistic expression of human language in a tangible form.

A. 有形的
B. 无形的
C. 变化的
D. 看不见的

The ink brush, ink, paper, and ink stone are all essential tools of Chinese calligraphy.

A. 重要的
B. 常规的
C. 微小的
D. 容易的

Calligraphy has also led to the development of many forms of art in China, includingsealcarving, ornate paperweights, andink stones.

A. 印章
B. 宣纸
C. 砚台
D. 篆刻

They are known together as theFour Treasures of the Study.

A. 名著
B. 喜剧
C. 悲剧
D. 珍宝
