5岁女孩发热5天,伴流涕、咳嗽、纳差、双眼结膜充血。病后第四天从耳后、颈部出现皮疹,现已蔓延至躯干。现可见皮疹呈红色;稍隆起于皮面,压之退色,疹间皮肤正常。该患儿的皮疹属于( )
A. 红斑疹
B. 淤点
C. 疱疹
D. 荨麻疹
E. 斑丘疹
Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary.1. Her children’s death is a ____________ blow on her.2. He had a fierce ____________ with his wife yesterday.3. I was very ____________ by one young lady at my lectures.4. There are lots of theories about the ____________ of life.5. We ____________ to hear your good news.6. For a writer, that's quite an ____________..