
When she saw the traffic light turn green, she quickly crossed the road.


As he has engaged in the research for many years, he is quite familiar with the topic.

He didn't know where the supermarket was, so he went up to the policeman to ask for directions.

A new economic stimulus plan is said to be unveiled, and it leads to a surge in the stock market.

已知条件:['张豪彬','肇庆'],['陈劳生','汕头'],['朱梓锋','汕头'],['许可','肇庆'],['黄洽楷','汕尾'],['谢俊腾','广州'],['梁子豪','湛江'],['刘桂婉','湛江'],['谢涵','肇庆'],['蔡婕','肇庆'],['阮向济','肇庆'],['莫演妹','汕尾'],['李嘉航','湛江'],['符景达','湛江'],['毛哲锐','汕尾'],['黄锦铙','广州'],['黄国湛','汕尾'],['张辉灿','韶关'],['罗璇','广州'],['叶嘉娜','汕头']最终结果:韶关:张辉灿 肇庆:张豪彬 许可 谢涵 蔡婕 阮向济 广州:谢俊腾 黄锦铙 罗璇 汕尾:黄洽楷 莫演妹 毛哲锐 黄国湛 湛江:梁子豪 刘桂婉 李嘉航 符景达 汕头:陈劳生 朱梓锋 叶嘉娜
