As of 2016, about 22 million Americans need treatment for an addiction to alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs. In the US, the incidence rate of various addctions is different:
Common diseases of the nervous system are:
在每次启动 After EffectsCC2018时,肯定处于打开状态的窗口是:
A. 项目窗口
B. 合成窗口
C. 时间线窗口
D. 工具箱
After Effects CC2018将所有的特效都存放在哪个文件夹下:
A. 语言
B. 法定的
C. Plug-ins
D. 脚本
在After Effects 中,给当前图层的Anchor Point属性添加一个关键帧的热键是:
B. Ctrl+A
C. Alt+Shift+A
D. Alt+Ctrl+A