提示是持票人将票据提交付款人要求( )或()的行为。
票据具有以下四个方面的工具作用:( )工具、( )工具、( )工具、( )工具。
According to the Negotiable Instruments Law of the People’s Republic of China (2004 Revision)Article 2 The law applies to all transaction activities in negotiable instruments within the territory of the People's Republic of China.The negotiable instruments as referred in this law include bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques.由此可知,票据法所称的票据是( )(广义OR狭义)的。
根据中华人民共和国票据法(2004年修正)第二条 在中华人民共和国境内的票据活动,适用本法。本法所称票据,是指汇票、本票和支票。由此可知,票据法所称的票据是()(广义OR狭义)的。
According to the Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China (2004 Revision)Article 9 The items recorded in a negotiable instrument shall conform to the provisions of this law.这体现了票据的哪个性质?
A. 设权性
B. 流通性
C. 无因性
D. 要式性