

A. 尽量在应用抗菌药物前进行
B. 可与小便混合
C. 连续多次培养
D. 取脓血及粘液部分
E. 标本应新鲜


2岁儿童,突然畏寒、高热、抽搐、昏迷6小时于8月10日入院。体查:T40.5℃,P130次/min,BP8.6/6.2kpa(65/47mmHg),浅昏迷。压眶有反应,瞳孔等大,对光反应存在,未见瘀点、瘀斑,四肢厥冷,脉搏细弱,心、肺(—)。腹软,颈软,克、布氏征(—)。血象:Hb140g/L,WBC15×109/L,N 0.80,L0.20最可能的诊断:

A. 流行性出血热
B. 流行性脑脊髓膜炎
C. 中毒性菌痢
D. 败血症
E. 流行性乙型脑炎


A. 脑脊液检查
B. 大便培养
C. 肛拭子或生理盐水灌肠镜检
D. 血液生化检查
E. 血培养


A. 常无明显里急后重
B. 迅速出现循环衰竭和(或)呼吸衰竭
C. 反复惊厥,嗜睡、昏迷
D. 剧烈腹泻、呕吐、迅速出现电解质平衡紊乱
E. 起病急骤,突起畏寒、高热

Fill in the blanks.( havefallnervousharvestmakethankcomeculturewishfriendlytalkdifferentskilledhategooneselfaddress)1. --You speak very good English. --__________ a lot.2.Our president________to work at 7:00 sharp.3. We can understand each other though we have different ____________ background.4.Thank you for________to meet me.5.It is the first time we have_______ a foreign guest.6.She________to get up too early in the morning.7.I always feel__________ before taking the exam.8. Planes___________ her feel tired.9. I'm also________ in using chopsticks.10.Students learn English in__________ ways.11.The mother often ________ about her child with the teacher.12.When autumn comes, the leaves will _________ from the trees.13.Do you often cook by ___________ ?14.People are usually________to strangers.15.Farmers are very busy in autumn, the_________time.16. It's important for us ___________ a man with “Mr.” or “Sir”.17. My friend _______ us to have a good time at the party.
