某市城市建设发展,在市区东部地区若干个工厂已经外迁或停产,其厂址由城市土地管理行政主管部门统一组织出让。在出让之前已由规划部门编制了详细规划,确定了每块土地的使用性质。某开发公司在出让中竞得其中的一块居住用地,面积4.5hm2,按照详细规划的要求,并经城市规划行政主管部门确认,该居住用地的容积率为2.1,建筑密度为 25%,建筑高度不得超高45m,居住区内的绿地率为30%,人口密度不超过800人/hm2。某开发公司与市土地管理行政主管部门签订了土地合同,并将上述条件在合同中作出了明确规定。
What does the future hold for the problem of housing? A good deal
depend, of course, on the meaning of "future'. If one is thinking in S1.______
term of science fiction and the space age it is at least possible to assume S2.______
that man will have solved such trivial and earthly problems as houses. S3.______
Writers of science fiction have had little to say on the subject. They have
conveyed the suggestion that men lived in great comfort, with every S4.______
conceivable gadget(小器具) to make life smoothly, healthy and easy. But S5.______
they have not said what his house will be made up. S6.______
Perhaps some new building materials, as yet unimagined, will have
been discovered or invented; at least one may be certain that bricks and
mortar(灰泥) will long have out of fashion. Scientists have already S7.______
pointed out that unless something is done either to restrict the world's rapid
growth in population or discover and develop new sources of food, millions S8.______
of people will be dying of starvation or, at best, suffering from underfeeding
by this century is out. But nobody has yet worked out any plan for S9.______
housing these growing populations. Admittedly, the worst situations will
occur in the hottest parts of the world, there housing can be of light S10.______
structures, or in backward areas where standards are traditionally low.