Tests Show Women Suited for Space Travel
Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American women, numbering 27 in all, between the age of 35 and 65, were given month-long tests for space travel purposes.(1)
Those women were carefully selected from among many applicants.(2)They were not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol during the tests, and they were expected to tolerate each other's company at close quarters for the entire period. Among others things they had to stand pressure three times the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks while exhausted from strenuous physical exercise.(3)During that time they suffered backaches and other discomforts.(4)
Resuks of the tests suggest that wmen will have significant advantage over men in space.(5)Men's advantages in terms of strength and stamina, meanwhile, are virtually wiped: out by the zero gravity condition in space.
At the end of ten years, they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely confined to bed.
B. They were volunteers and were paid barely above the minimum wage.
C. These tests were conducted to determine how they would respond to conditions resembling those abroad the space shuttle.
D. They need less food and less oxygen and they stand up to radiation better.
E. Some of them were over 65.
F. When they were finally allowed up, the more physical active women were specially subject to pains due to a slight calcium (钙)loss.
(1)1月1日,在原用人单位办理了内退手续(不符合《国务院关于工人退休、退职的暂行办法》规定条件),取得一次性退职费收入60 000元。甲原来在工作单位的每月工资收入为2 500元,当地上年职工平均工资为20 000元。
(2)1月1日与某企业签订承包合同经营小商品批发业务,承包期为5年。当年取得承包经营利润150 000元,按合同规定每年上交承包费70 000元。另外,李某每月从企业领取工资2 000元。
(4)7月1日出租个人住房一处,每月租金收入2 000元,每月发生准予扣除项目及修缮费用为200元。
(5)取得中彩收入30 000元,当场通过非营利社会团体向农村义务教育捐赠20000元。
(6)取得国家发行的金融债券利息20 000元,企业债券利息10 000元,一年期银行储蓄到期利息5 000元。
(7)一次取得技术服务收入8 000元。