A. 在因重大误解成立的民事行为及显失公平的民事行为中,当事人均享有撤销权
B. 撤销权在性质上属于形成权,故依撤销权人的意思表示即可产生相应的法律效力,无须相对人同意
C. 在一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下订立的合同,只有受损害方才有权撤销
D. 可变更或者可撤销的合同,当事人行使撤销权的期间为自合同成立时起1年内
A. 计价货币
B. 清算渠道
C. 监管工具
D. 结算方式
Which statement is TRUE concerning hawser towing? ()
A. The catenary in a hawser should be sufficient so that the hawser just touches the bottom
B. The hawser is of sufficient length for towing when taut between tug and tow
C. Increasing speed usually increases the catenary in the hawser
D. Shortening the tow hawser generally decreases the maneuverability of the tug