n. a sharp pointed object that riders sometimes wear on the heels of their boots and use to encourage their horse to go faster; vt. to encourage sb.to do sth. .or to encourage them to try harder to achieve sth.
A. spray
B. spear
C. spur
D. seal
vi. to shake slightly because you are cold, frightened, excited, etc.
A. shriek
B. shrink
C. rotten
D. shiver
a. not studying or looking at sth. thoroughly; seeing only what is obvious; appearing to be true, real or important until you look at it more carefully
A. slender
B. superficial
C. sufficient
D. rural
n. a form of air pollution that is or looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, especially in cities
A. smog
B. soil
C. slogan
D. spear
v. to begin sth. again after a pause or an interruption
A. soak
B. renew
C. spill
D. repent