
解决丈本检索二义性问题的一种方法是使用【 】,另一种方法是比较两个词出现的语境。



1. 根据表4.1编制的部分进度计划网络图如图4.1所示,请在答题卡上绘出完整的进度计划网络图。

科目编码 科目名称 借贷方向 期初余额(元) 期初数量
1001 库存现金 借 32596
1002 银行存款 借 782304
1122 应收账款 借 220023
112201 E公司 借 48894
112202 F公司 借 171129
1123 预付账款 借
1221 其他应收款 借 40745
122101 张三 借 40745
122102 E公司 借
1401 材料采购 借
140101 甲材料 借
140102 乙材料 借
1403 原材料 借 570430
140301 甲材料 借 391152 300
140302 乙材料 借 179278 100
1405 库存商品 借 2102442
140501 A产品 借 977880 900
140502 B产品 借 1124562 800
1511 长期股权投资 借 464493
151101 股票投资 借 464493
1601 固定资产 借 3406282
1602 累计折旧 贷 1523863
1801 长期待摊费用 借 545983
2001 短期借款 贷 431897
2201 应付票据 贷 317811
2202 应付账款 贷 252619
220201 丙单位 贷 73341
220202 丁单位 贷 179278
2203 预收账款 贷 211874
220301 F公司 贷 211874
2211 应付职工薪酬 贷 203725
221101 应付工资 贷
221102 应付福利费 贷 203725
2221 应交税费 贷 48894
222101 应交增值税 贷
22210101 进项税额 贷
22210105 销项税额 贷
222106 应交所得税 贷 48894
2232 应付股利 贷 97788
2241 其他应付款 贷 187427
2501 长期借款 贷 1491267
4001 股本 贷 2713617
4002 资本公积 贷 171129
400207 其他资本公积 贷 171129
4101 盈余公积 贷&nb

Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.
What about the future? I am convinced that the future will be even more exciting than the past. As I told my grandson, I very much envy him and I would like to be his age and have the opportunity to become again a scientist, starting in another field, and to have a chance to push further the frontiers of knowledge. I urge many of you, who read these lines, to do the same. Science is a very exciting experience as well as a worthwhile like goal, because only those undertakings that challenge us to develop our minds and energies to attempt the unattainable are worthy of us.
If I had been given the chance to live another life as a scientist in the 21st century. I would study the brain and investigate the mechanism of consciousness, reasoning, logic, and memory, and I would try to understand how this marvelous machine, that evolution has developed, is capable of analyzing itself and of understanding the world and reality. This is the ultimate challenge, which I dare you to devote your life to, and to solve for the glory and benefit of mankind.
The most precious message I want to convey to the Young is that your lives offer you an opportunity to leave a mark in history for the benefit of mankind. No project should be impossible to accomplish if one is properly determined to succeed and not to spare one's energy and resources.
