
王爷爷,82岁,生活不能自理,咀嚼能力较差,患糖尿病26年,近期出现了视力模糊的现象,生活基本不能自理,需要照护人员小李喂食。照护人员为王爷爷准备饮食,应选用( )

A. 流质饮食
B. 半流质饮食
C. 普通饮食
D. 软质饮食
E. 硬质饮食


What are business ethics?

A. The moral principles that represent a person or group
B. How companies conduct themselves in terms of their practices and policies as they relate to doing right by stakeholders and shareholders
C. An ethical concept that implies that companies have a duty to society and the environment
D. None of the answers are correct.

What is social responsibility?

A. The moral principles that represent a person or group
B. How companies conduct themselves in terms of their practices and policiesas they relate to doing right by stakeholders and shareholders
C. An ethical concept that implies that companies have a duty to society and the environment
D. None of the answers are correct.

If you face an ethical dilemma, what should your first step be in resolving the issue?

A. Contact the regulators
B. Stay quiet
Check your facts
D. None of the above

Social responsibilty is a business obligation to pursue policies, make decisions, and take actions that benefit society.

A. True
B. False
