There are a lot of existing perceptions about British food, so we can't __________ these too much.
A. calculate
B. encounter
C. alter
D. discover
There is a tight connection between theory and practice that all theories __________ from practice and in return serve practice.
A. starts
B. begins
C. initiates
D. originate
There was fear and __________in his voice.
A. haste
B. harmony
C. hatred
D. mood
A. 气体进出肺的过程
B. 气体进出组织细胞的过程
C. 呼气和吸气之和
D. 机体与环境之间的气体交换过程
E. 肺泡气体与肺毛细血管血液之间的气体交换
A. 肺的舒缩运动
B. 肺的弹性回缩
C. 呼吸肌的舒缩
D. 胸内负压的周期性变化
E. 肺内压和胸内压之差