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A. 正确
B. 错误

Thatcherism is, by Thatcher's reckoning, only halfway completed. Upon coming to power in 1979, she reduced income taxes(the top rate fell from 83 percent to 60 percent), raised the value added tax (a levy on goods and services)from 8 percent to 15 percent and sharply cut public spending. The money supply was throttled, and interest rates were allowed to soar. The strategy cooled in flation, but also threw a record number of British companies in to bankruptcy. and millions of workers out of jobs. Since 1979, when the downturn began, industrial production has slumped 8 percent.
There are some encouraging signs. Bank lending rates are now in the 10 percent range, down from 17 percent in 1980 and interest on mortgages has fallen from 15 percent to around 11 percent. Productivity is up, and the rate of wage hikes is down. But none of these signs of improving health is proof the rebound will persist. Many economists are bracing for a jump in joblessness to 3. 3 million this fall. Nevertheless, the prime minister is unlikely to resort to Keynesian pump priming even if her policies remain slow to work. At a critical time during her first term, when many in her cabinet were demanding a U-turn on economic policy, she uttered the now famous words: "The lady's not for turning. "
Thatcher not only has changed the course of British economic policy, but has altered the shape of the nation's politics, especially within the Conservative Party. Fading fast is the image of the Tories as the private preserve of landed gentlemen who went to the right schools, believe in moderation and carry a certain sense of nobleless oblige toward the lower classes. Thatcher has taken the party out of the hands of the gentry and turned it over to people like herself who have worked their way up in the world and who sometimes see a sense of social responsibility as an un- affordable luxury. She has forged an alliance between skilled workers and the middle class. Only unskilled workers have remained safely in the Labor camp, and theirs is a dwindling breed.
Thatcherism is ______.

A. Thatcher's economic experiment
B. the Aliance forged by Thatcher between skilled workers and the middle class
C. the toughness of Thatcher's personality and of her policies
D. the generalization of Thatcher's first term

They tossed your thoughts back and forth for 6var an hour, but still could not make ______

A. impression
B. comprehension
C. meaning
D. sense

Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.
听力原文: Sales of all makes of desktop machines dropped 46.8 percent in the third quarter, compared with last year, prompting aggressive sales promotions by Compaq during the holiday season. Analysts say that despite Compaq's higher prices, its strong brand recognition in Brazil will continue to pose a formidable challenge to Metron and other would be rivals. "As soon as Compaq is able to adjust its business model to reach the mass of the population through national supermarket chains, marketing campaigns and so on, they should be able to restart growth," said Waldir Arevolo, senior research analyst at the Gartner group in Brazil. Despite subsidized programs like the computer from the million, the biggest obstacle to rising computer sales in Brazil is still household income. According to a study by the Brazilian Electronics Industry Association, 15 million Brazilian households are interested in having a computer, but they can only afford a monthly payment, including the price of Internet service.
Mr. Fernandes said monthly payments that low could be reached only if the government lowered interest rates and increased incentives for international producers of chips and other components to set up shop locally. He said he hoped such steps might be in the offing, as politicians seek popular programs before the presidential election in October.
How much did the sales of all makes of desktop machines drop in the third quarter?

A. 46.8 percent
B. 43.8 percent
C. 53.8 percent
D. 56.8 percent
