
The story of how Shanghai helped shelter Jewish refugees during World War II is being told in New York. The 90-minute documentary Survival in Shanghai produced by Shanghai Media Group premiered (首映) in Manhattan on Monday evening.“What happened in Shanghai and the lasting 1)__________friendship they found is one of the most memorable chapters of the long relations between the Chinese and the Jewish people,”said Zhang Qiyue, consul general of China in New York.During World War II, Shanghai was one of two visa-free regions. Approximately 25,000 Jews from Germany, Poland and other nations 2)__________fled to Shanghai and found 3)__________refuge from the Holocaust.“We must not forget this‘4)__________miracle of Shanghai,’” said Amir Sagie, deputy consul general of Israel in New York. Though people in the Chinese mainland were suffering from the darkness of Japanese 5)__________invasion, citizens in Shanghai welcomed the unfamiliar Jewish strangers and 6)__________shielded them from devastation,”Amir added.Some refugees attended the film event. Betty Grenbenschikoff lived in Shanghai's 7)__________designated area — the ghetto as a young girl.“Life was 8)__________harsh at that time. We lived in an extremely shabby house, but we still lived happily, and it was safe in Shanghai,”she said.The production team of the documentary 9)__________interviewed around 40 Shanghai Jewish survivors.“The true stories they 10)__________recounted brought back that part of history before us. And their peaceful life nowadays makes us feel how important an open city with a diversified civilization is,”said Song Jiongming, managing director of news of Shanghai Media Group.


在计算应纳税所得额时,有关工资薪金税前扣除说法正确的是( )

A. 只有实际发放的工资才能税前扣除
B. 实际发放的工资不含“三费.五险.一金”
C. 国有企业的工资不得超过政府有关部门给予的限定数额
D. 支付给残疾职工的工资可加计扣除100%

企业发生的与生产经营有关的业务招待费支出按发生额的50%扣除,但最高不得超过当年销售(营业)收入的千分之五。( )

A. 对
B. 错

某企业本年度计提并发放的工资薪金总额300万元,发生职工教育经费9万元,允许当年税前扣除的职工教育经费为7.5万元,1.5万元结转以后年度进行扣除。( )

A. 对
B. 错


A. 偏高
B. 偏低
C. 没有影响
D. 不确定
