

A. 沉重地打击了封建势力
B. 建立了与清王朝对峙长达11之旧的农民政权
C. 颁布了《天朝田亩制度》
D. 颁布了《资政新篇》



A. 工人阶级和农民阶级
B. 大资产阶级和民族资产阶级
C. 工人阶级和资产阶级
D. 民族资产阶级和小资产阶级

再听录音或仔细阅读文本,并完成测验。Programming LanguagesStudent: Professor Martin, I just finished myJava assignment, but I still have some questions.Instructor: Sure, Andrew.Student: I’m having a hard time keeping all thelanguages straight. There are so many.Instructor: There are quite a few. Which ones areyou having trouble with?Student: All of them. I think it’s confusing to haveall these (1).Instructor: I see where you’re coming from. It’s alot to learn.Student: But why are there so many differentlanguages?Instructor: The first reason is that it makesdeveloping (2)easier.Student: How is that?Instructor: The computer only understandscommands in (3)language, or (4)digits. Itwould take programmers a long time to writeprograms in binary format.Student: I see.Instructor: Instead, programmers use humanreadable (5)languages, like Java. Thatallows us to write programs faster than ever before.Student: I understand that. But why are there somany human-readable programming languages?Instructor: Some human-readable programminglanguages are more appropriate for certain kinds ofsoftware. Does that answer your question?Student: Yes. I guess that makes sense. Thanks.


A. 朋友
B. 老师
C. 父母
D. 下一代


A. 专注于学习
B. 与人建立良好的关系
C. 培养休闲能力
D. 知识面广泛的涉猎
