How many pounds were consumed a year on Edward I's wars?
A. 250,000
B. 292
C. 1296
D. 1295
To whom did "the stone of Scone" belong originally?
A. Scotland
B. England
C. France
D. Ireland
蓝色对勾段。What was a standard punishment for treason in the 13th century Britain?
A. be drawn
B. be whipped
C. be hanged
D. be quartered
A. 转口贸易
B. 售定
C. 经销
D. 寄售
E. 对等贸易
A. 返销贸易
B. 互抵贸易
C. 期货贸易
D. 对等贸易
E. 反向贸易