
瓶子里有很多水。There is ______ water in the bottle.


红娘是爱情使者的代名词.A ____ often called hong niang in China is a ____ of love.

这种说法来源于中国古代的一个爱情故事,一个书生爱上了一个富家小姐. 但是小姐的母亲反对他们的爱情.In a Chinese love story, a young man ______ a rich lady. The lady’s family strongly _____ this marriage.

小姐有一位聪明的侍女叫红娘,她劝解小姐的母亲最终促成了书生和小姐的美好姻缘. 中国的文学戏曲中有很多表现红娘的故事作品.The family’s ____ named hong niang persuaded the rich family to ____ the marriage. There are many others stories about hong niang in Chinese ____.

生活中也有很多人愿意当红娘,因为中国人相信给别人幸福也会带给自己幸福. 现在你明白了吧,红娘就是中国的丘比特.Chinese are more than happy to be a hong niang because they believe that those who bring ____ to others will be happy themselves. Now you understand that hong niang is the Chinese ____.
